90 Day Intensive Testimonials

90-day Intensive Program testimonials

I know a lot of people who teach ‘self improvement’ or growth, but I don’t work with
them though. I decided to work with you because of the unique method of healing that you facilitate, along with your professionalism, knowledge but also the TOTAL level of comfort that I and I know that everyone
that works with you feels. At the time of the program, I was dealing with a terrible relationship I could not seem to get clarity around, and also struggling with work clarity. I felt like I could not move forward in any area of my life. I wanted insights, support, and action. I felt I got all three from working with you. The coaching I received from you was amazing, information was helpful.. healing I believe helped me get FINALLY out (or at least on the road out of an emotionally manipulative and abusive relationship) PRICELESS, in all seriousness. I felt like within the first session, and the life events that took place and gave me clarity to get out of the relationship before something happened to plunge me deeper into the relationship. This work has helped me follow my gut and stay sane. The biggest insight is that I may be carrying around “stuff” that isn’t even mine! So when things don’t make sense, or my reactions don’t make sense.. there is a method and information to try and make sense of it
all, which again makes me feel less crazy and more hopeful that I am and will be ok. Again you can’t put a price on inner peace. In the program, I LOVED the one on one sessions. The handholding is so specific and helpful. Yet the combination of those sessions with the group sessions is really interesting and to be honest the group sessions are fun. They
make no sense and there is always a sense of amazement at how this
therapy works. Also, I really appreciated that one of the modules was focused on relationships. From doing this program, I’ve really benefitted in many ways. –Better
relationships, more comfort with money, made more money, better awareness and understanding, a different outlook, improved health conditions,etc. I got out of a relationship cycle that felt as addictive, time consuming and anxiety producing as heroine.. it is a miracle. As a coach, you are compassionate, comfortable, non-judgmental. I would highly recommend this program to anybody, but in particular, women with eating disorders and women in codependent relationships. You are really gifted, you know this and many people keep telling you, this work is SO unique yet the way you make is feel so comfortable is
really a gift..the work and program is like nothing else you have ever or will ever do before, the insights are priceless and the life changes are amazing, things happen that could probably not happen without this work, or things happen so much more quickly and easily without years of struggle.. so worth it. Thank you.
I love you,

Kelsea Brennan, Life Coach

Once I read Nat was doing the 90 Day Intensive, I knew it was for me instantly, and as such, flew back & forth 6,000 miles from dubai each time for it our group and one on one sessions this summer
Some descriptions or adjectives that come to mind when thinking about Natalie are :Non judgemental,
a wonderful facilitator, helpful, responsive, cooperative, easy, friendly nature, gives everyone their time, respectful, and willing to go the extra mile. Natalie has the ability to think ahead and act on it while facilitating the constellations for everyone. She also gives everyone their fair turn no favorites. Natalie is a powerful healer in every way and I have already seen amazing results with each session. During the program, I always looked forward to future sessions. Natalie really moved the needle and opened up blockages on challenges such as:

My own health
Health of others
Family relations
Partner relations
And the most fun of course with MONEY!!
I highly recommend partnering with Natalie in any capacity that feels right to you. I’ve experienced both one on one sessions with Natalie and Group constellation Therapy and continue to look forward to future expansion on every level. I recommend you consider working with Nat if you are serious about creating significant & meaningful changes in your life.

Nicole Maggio, Healer

Natalie’s 90-day intensive was a unique and dynamic multi-faceted program. The combination of group calls and face-to-face sessions with personal one-on-one calls allowed us to deeply explore 3 key areas. Following the health section, I was able to change my eating habits, which was something I had struggled with for a year. I started a cleanse and have successfully lost over 5 pounds.

I felt the overall immersion experience with the group dynamics and Natalie’s deeply caring and insightful approach touched and empowered me on a deep level. She is an incredibly adept facilitator and family constellation work is both powerful and magical in the insights that it reveals. The program created a wonderful framework for change which will inform my own coaching practice and overall approach going forward.

Lenore K.
Executive Coach

I completely believe in the philosophy behind FCT. There are 100s of methodologies that deal with issues on a superficial level but these beliefs are deeply rooted. To have the time and space to explore where these belief systems come from is so absolutely necessary! It also forces you to take a step outside your own life and take other perspectives which is unbelievable valuable. This work is wild. And you have an amazing vibe Natalie! Prior to the program, I was noticing patterns in relationships which is the reason why I came to you. But of course it led to other areas – treating the way I approach life on a holistic level. I guess my only resistance is having resistance. It’s so hard to let go of the way we’ve operated our whole life! I can see change happening slowly but it’s not overnight for me. Natalie’s coaching, healing and the information I received was so valuable! And amazing to see things happen for the other ladies too. It shows we all come from a different place and perceive the world differently. I don’t think that most people realize that. (I think I mentioned this already but it’s a big factor to the work) In doing this work, there were a lot of ah-ha moments. I think it really goes back to dissecting what I thought were absolute truths. There really isn’t such a thing as an absolute truth. If I want to make my life flow and attract abundance I have to break down those old truths I was holding on to. And it taught me to be so vulnerable. Let my guard down and my raw wounds to come out. As a coach and mentor, I really found it so valuable that Natalie called me out on my shit! haha . The group was amazing. I like how there were 3 focuses so it gave the program structure. Always a big fan of structure. In the program, I would say the biggest shift that happened for me is that I knew I wanted a loving partnership.. and because of that wanting, I created this space of lack and wanting. When a man came by I would be accommodating for him even if he wasn’t the right guy. But you, Natalie, pointed out that freedom is such a big component to my happiness and I denied that part of myself because I thought it was a sacrifice to having a great relationship. My new paradigm now is to create freedom for myself, live it, and trust that the right man will fit into that. That shift in itself has made me so much more vital and happy in life. Freedom first :) My love for myself and life will attract someone like that. Natalie’s coaching approach is No-nonsense, honest, soft, loving, task-oriented, strong, accountable, positive. All great things you want in your coach! Natalie is not the coddling type so avoid that person who’s just looking for a shoulder to cry on. You need someone who is willing to do the work. Strong men or women who are open minded. I’ve never met anyone around you who doesn’t seem like would fit.
Natalie is doing exactly what you should be doing. Very talented! I would tell someone who is considering the program that it’s fantastic, confrontational and you must keep an open mind and just go with it. Trust trust trust. LOVE YOU! xoxo ,

Joyce Yu, Web design

I decided to join this program because of it’s intensity. I am ready to move beyond my old patterns that hold me back. Really ready. And the 90-day intensive format called to me because I knew from working with Natalie previously that I would see massive transformation. At the time of the program, I was dealing with hormonal imbalances, symptoms of Polycistic Ovarian Syndrome, excess weight, as well as tons of fear surrounding relationships. Dang the healing that I’ve received is invaluable. It’s hard to even put into words everything that I’ve received because I feel more myself than ever before. I feel like life is as it should be, and what has shifted inside of me feels natural and peaceful. One of the biggest insights I had is that I had been following in my great aunt’s footsteps, who was a Jewish girl that hid in a Catholic school during the Holocaust. To survive, she had to pretend to be someone she wasn’t and blend in with her surroundings. I realized I had been doing the same thing which was why I was constantly afraid of being myself. Another big insight I had was the trauma I went through when my youngest sister was born when I was 10, and how that affected our family. Having the consciousness around the split in our family has been so enlightening. One of the most valuable things Natalie does as a mentor/coach is that she gets to the root cause of any issue that we are dealing with, with the perfect combination of tough and gentle love. I really enjoyed
Doing three constellations with the same group. You feel really close to everyone and therefore more open to the healing. As a result of the program, I have SO much more comfort around money and I feel a lot closer to my mom. Natalie’s coaching style is transformative, tell-it-like-it-is, and fun! I think those that are uncomfortable in their bodies and blocked sexually would definitely benefit from the program. Natalie is freaking amazing at what she does and everyone needs to know of this work. SPREAD THE CONSTELLATIONS FAR AND WIDE!!!! If you are considering taking the program, take the leap of faith and do it. The gifts you will be given for investing are invaluable. Natalie Berthold is a healer’s healer and her work is the real deal. Nat, keep on rockin in the free world 😉

Alison Leipzig, Body Confidence Coach and Web designer

My decision to work with you, in this particular group, was born out of a few reasons. I’ve worked with you before so know this therapy to be incredibly effective. But, I was noticing how interconnected the issues I was experiencing with body, relationships and money were. Most stemmed from the same deep rooted feelings and beliefs and I felt like addressing body/relationships/money as symptoms of something deeper made sense. Everything in my life was changing. From my personal relationships to my family dynamics to my career. It was a stripping down moment in my life and I was feeling hyper vulnerable and a little lost. I needed help navigating my way forward. It was simultaneously scared all the time and completely floored by my own resilience and tenacity. The places where I had formerly sought security and a sense of self were no longer there… had sort of been burned to the ground by a storm of life events. I need a helping hand to muster the bravery required to go within and really look at what’s there. And then, beyond that, I needed help sorting through the issues that are my own and the ones that are not my own. Natalie helped me sort and take a really honest look at the inheritance of grief, loss, confusion, abuse, etc, that had been passed on from my ancestry that I was trying to “Correct and perfect” in my life. Family constellation has been the most difficult and painful thing I’ve ever done. It’s so hard because it is so effective. The therapy itself is deeply healing, but Natalie is exceptional. She brings a special genius to this work and I am changed because of it. That said, you sort of get what you give with this work. You have to be open and you have to set the intention that you’re willing to as deep as you need to. The in-person sessions and meditations that she gives us were invaluable. Out of this program, I’ve gained better relationships, more comfort with money, made more money, better awareness and understanding, a different outlook, improved health conditions, etc. Every area we touched on had almost immediate and real life ramifications. From my family breaking down to losing my job (and then getting a better one) to addressing my eating disorder and finally making attempts to enjoy my body as a vessel of beauty and pleasure rather than a measurement of how bad to feel about myself. It’s hard to quantify any of this as I’m still in the throws of healing each of these areas and I think the true results have yet to present themselves. Natalie’s coaching style is rare, exceptionally effective, and a healing that surpasses understanding. Women in their late twenties, and early thirties would definitely benefit from this program. If you are thinking of doing the program, Do it. Just choose to be brave and open and decide that you want to experience your own life as a free soul. Natalie, you are a midwife helping women birth their authentic adult selves. It’s such a labor of love and you create new life every time you work with one of us. I want you to know that you’ve been chosen. That you are so special. And because you’ve made my life different I know for sure that you are having this effect on others. I love you.

Allison Rapson, Women’s advocacy

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